Mobile Truck & Bus Services is focused on Heavy Duty Wheel Alignment, Balancing & Suspensions for the last 15 years.
This company have several MOBILE UNITS that serve our clients at their premises, and we are based in Capital Park, Pretoria (SA).
technical services
Wheel Alignment, Balancing, Tyre advice & Suspension’s on all heavy duty vehicles.
we offer the following services
1. Technical & Mechanical Inspection.
2. Wheel Alignment.
3. Full computerised printout.
4. Technical Report.
​“Complete inspection on suspension will be done before the wheel alignment.”

Total wheel alignment with precision
Traditional methods of wheel and axle alignment have relied on various simple tools like gauges. For a long period it was generally believed that it was only necessary to align the steering frond axle and if toe was OK, the alignment was completed. Today we know that there are many factors directly influencing the way the vehicle behaves on the road and that only minor misalignment makes a big difference. Manufacturers of axles and vehicles are continually reducing the tolerances of recommended angles for alignment realizing the importance of accuracy. All axles and wheels in driving position influence each other and therefore all axles must be aligned. When we specify all axles we also mean those of the semi-trailers. Experience as well as theory have proved that even if the tractor unit Is perfectly aligned, a badly aligned semi-trailer will influence the trucks behaviour to such as extent that road safety might be at risk.

Centre line as reference
When a passenger car is aligned, most systems measure the wheel angles in relation to each other without considering the car’s body position. This is acceptable as the vehicle is quite short and narrow. But when you align the axles and wheels of a truck or a trailer using the same method, the body of the vehicle can be off a straight forward driving direction. If this is the case, the total air pressure on the vehicle will increase causing a higher fuel consumption. The vehicle can also behave unstable on the road (dog track) as there will be increased pressure on one side of the vehicle and the driver must compensate by steering against. This will lead to increased tyre wear and uncomfortable driving. Moreover, by using the vehicles total length instead of the heel diameter, the accuracy is increased. MTBS uses the centre line as a reference. In other words we bring out the longitudinal centre of the truck on both sides by means of our self centring frame gauges. The rolling directions of the wheels are then compared to each other by using laser beams towards measurement is taken to keep the measuring accuracy as high as possible. The reason is that we are more than often measuring on vehicles with rusty or damaged rims.
How much money can you save with the correct axle and wheel alignment?
According to international studies 75-80 % of the wheel axles on the world’s medium-heavy and heavy vehicles are incorrectly aligned. The consequence is an enormous waste of both money and natural resources, in the form of high fuel consumption and increased tyre wear. In addition, it can mean unnecessary human suffering, since it can lead to accidents which could have been avoided and in a directly harmful working environment for our professional truck drivers.
Increased traffic safety
It doesn’t take more than one pair of axles which are not completely parallel in relation to the truck and trailer’s centre line for them to begin forcing the vehicle to drive obliquely The vehicle can then actually be dangerous in traffic, since it takes up a greater width on the road than the maximum allowed vehicle width.
Better work environment for the driver
A professional truck driver’s work can be hard enough as it is. If he or she in addition – mile after mile – has to fight the wheel to compensate
for badly aligned wheels and axles, then it doesn’t take long before he or she is plagued by aches and pains in the shoulders and neck.
Reduced tyre wear
The majority of truck owners and professional truck drivers know that the wrong tyre pressure makes the tires wear out faster. The fact is that incorrect alignment of axles and wheels is at least as common a cause of increased tyre wear. On a heavy vehicle, it can be enough to have an incorrect alignment of axles by just a few tenths of a degree in different direction, for the tyre’s lifespan to be reduced by 15 to 50 percent.